CV301-8CH 39
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Video Setup
This menu option allows you to adjust the resolution of the VGA output.
To adjust the resolution for a VGA device:
1. Select the scroll bar next to “VGA resolution” and list will appear.
2. Highlight the resolution you would like and press select. The higher the resolution, the better the quality will be
but the more space it will use up on your HDD.
3. Select “apply” to save your changes.
To adjust your video system:
Throughout the world there are two main video systems; NTSC and PAL. NTSC stands for National Television System
Committee, and is used in parts of North America and Japan. PAL stands for Phase Altering Line and it is used in
European countries. The DVR is automatically set to NTSC as SVAT distributes DVRs to North America.
To change the video system:
1. Select the scroll bar next to “video system” and list will appear.
2. Highlight the video system you would like and press select.
3. Select “apply” to save your changes, the system will restart.
Video Setup
Note: Not all countries are listed above, please set this setting to whatever is
compatible with your television.