Recording / Dubbing
Before you
Recording /
Dubbing Playback Editing
Connections Other Setups VCR functions Others Español
Initial Setups
Timer Recording (Contd)
1Recording Date:
When pressing at the current date, the setting
will change as follows.
e.g.: January 1st
2Start Time:
3End Time:
4Recording Channel:
To record from an external input,select L1or
L2.(Using camcorder,or other source.)
5Recording Media (HDD or DVD):
To record onto the HDD,select HDD.
To record onto a disc,select DVD.
VCR is not compatible with Timer Recording.
6Rec Mode:
Refer to Rec Mode on page 30.
7Available recording time left on the HDD / DVD
under the programmed Rec Mode.
If there are more than one program,the recording
time of the programs other than the one being
edited currently will not be counted in the
calculation of the total remaining time on the disc.
3Using / , select an item to set and using
/ , set the contents to suit your preference.
Pressing RETURN will resets all the
information entered.
4Press ENTER when all the information is entered.
will appear in the Front Panel Display indicating
one or more Timer Recordings are in standby.
To set another program,repeat steps 2 to 4.
When programs are overlapped,a warning message
will appear.For details on overlapped Timer
Programmings,refer to Hints for Timer Recording
on page 43.
JAN / 01
JAN / 31
5To exit,press TIMER PROG.
If you turn the unit off,it automatically turns on and starts
recording 3 minutes before the Timer Recording begins,
and when the recording is completed,you will be asked
whether to turn off the unit.The unit will be turned off
automatically if you select Yes or if you do not reply
in 1minute.
To stop recording in progress, press STOPCand hold it
for 2 seconds,or press STOP Con the front panel.
Relay Recording
If the disc runs out of the space during Timer
Recording to a DVD,or if there is no recordable disc
in the unit,it automatically detects it and change the
recording media to the HDD.This feature is available
only for Timer Recording. Not available for OTR.
If you have not set the clock yet:
The Clock Setting Window will appear at step 1in
stead of Timer Program List.Continue with step 4 in
Auto Clock Setting on page 24 or Manual Clock
Setting on page 25 before setting a Timer Recording.
After step 5,you can use other devices as usual.
If a basic recording or One Touch Recording is in
progress on the VCR and the Timer Recording set for
HDD or DVD is about to begin,the unit will
automatically switch to the programmed channel 15
seconds before the programmed time,and the
recording in progress on the VCR will be cancelled
UNLESS their recording channel is the same.If their
recording channel is the same,the Timer Recording
for HDD or DVD will start without cancelling the
recording currently in progress on the VCR.In this
case, the recording of the same channel will be made
on both VCR and the HDD or DVD.
If the starting time and the end time are the same, it
will be recognized as 24 hours recording.
If the starting time you entered is already in the past,
the recording will start as soon as you activate the
Timer Recording by pressing ENTER at step 4.
If the Timer Recording you want to make starts at 11:00
P.M.,for example, and ends at 1:00 A.M.next day,enter
the date of the starting time, then enter the starting
time as 11:00 P.M.and end time as 1:00 A.M.
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