Wireless Applications 4 - 31
Figure 4-40
ICMP Ping Window
To perform an ICMP ping:
1. In the IP field, enter an IP address or select an IP address from the drop-down list.
2. From the Size drop-down list, select a size value.
3. Tap Start Test. The ICMP Ping test starts. Information of the ping test displays in the appropriate field s.
Trace Route WindowTrace Route traces a packet from a computer to a host, showing how many hops the packet requires to reach
the host and how long each hop takes. The Trace Route utility identifies where the longest delays occur.
The Trace Route window allows testing a connection at the network layer (part of the IP protocol) between the
vehicle computer and any place on the network.
To open the Trace Route window, tap Trace Route in the Wireless Diagnostics window.
Figure 4-41
Trace Route Window
Enter an IP address or a DNS Name in the IP combo box, and tap Start Test. The IP combo box should match
the information shown in the ICMP Ping window’s IP combo box. When starting a test, the trace route attempts
to find all routers between the vehicle computer and the destination. The Round Trip Time (RTT) between the
vehicle computer and each router appears, along with the total test time. The total test time may be longer than
all RTTs added together because it does not only include time on the network.