Key Entry Page
If you select either 40-Bit WEP or 128-Bit WEP the wizard proceeds to the key entry dialog box unless the Use
Passkey check box was selected in the Encryption dialog box (see Figure 4-19 on page 4-15). To enter the key
1. Enter the 40-bit or 128-bit keys into the fields.
2. Tap Next.
Figure 4-20
40-Bit and 128-Bit WEP Keys Dialog Boxes
Passkey Dialog
When you select None as an authentication and WEP as an encryption, you can choose to enter a passkey by
checking the Use PassKey check box. The user is prompted to enter the passkey. For WEP, the Use PassKey
checkbox is only available if the authentication is None.
When you select None as an authentication and TKIP as an encryption, you must enter a passkey. The user
cannot enter a passkey if the encryption is TKIP and the authentication is anything other than None.
Figure 4-21
Passkey Dialog Box
Table 4-11
Encryption / Authentication Matrix
Authentication Open WEP TKIP
Non e Yes Ye s Yes
EAP TLS No Yes Yes
PEAP No Yes Yes
LEAP No Yes Yes
TTLS No Yes Yes
40-Bit WEP Keys Dialog Box 128-Bit WEP Keys Dialog Box