Glossary - 3
Hz. Hertz; A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
Host Computer. A computer that serves other vehicle computers in a network, providing such services as computation,
database access, supervisory programs and network control.
IIDE. Intelligent drive electronics. Refers to the solid-state hard drive type.
IEEE Address. See MAC Address.
IOCTL. Input/Output Control.
Internet Protocol Address. See IP.
I/O Ports. interface The connection between two devices, defined by common physical characteristics, signal
characteristics, and signal meanings. Types of interfaces include RS-232 and PCMCIA.
Input/Output Ports. I/O ports are primarily dedicated to passing information into or out of the vehicle computer’s
memory. VC5090 vehicle computers include Serial and USB ports.
IP. Internet Protocol. The IP part of the TCP/IP communications protocol. IP implements the network layer (layer 3) of
the protocol, which contains a network address and is used to route a message to a different network or su bnetwork.
IP accepts “packets” from the layer 4 transport protocol (TCP or UDP), adds its own header to it and delivers a
“datagram” to the layer 2 data link protocol. It may also break the packet into fragments to support the maxim um
transmission unit (MTU) of the network.
IP Address. (Internet Protocol address) The address of a computer attached to an IP network. Every client and server
station must have a unique IP address. A 32-bit address used by a computer on a IP network. Client workstations
have either a permanent address or one that is dynamically assigned to them each session. IP addresses are written
as four sets of numbers separated by periods; for example,
IPX/SPX. Internet Package Exchange/Sequential Packet Exchange. A communications protocol for Novell. IPX is
Novell’s Layer 3 protocol, similar to XNS and IP, and used in NetWare networks. SPX is Novell's version of the Xerox
SPP protocol.
IS-95. Interim Standard 95. The EIA/TIA standard that governs the operation of CDMA cellular service. Versions include
IS-95A and IS-95B. See CDMA.
LLCD. See Liquid Crystal Display.
LED Indicator. A semiconductor diode (LED - Light Emitting Diode) used as an indicator, often in digital displays. The
semiconductor uses applied voltage to produce light of a certain frequency determined by the semiconductor's
particular chemical composition.