Chapter 7
Application Development and DeploymentChapter 7
Chapter 7
Application Development and Deployment
This chapter lists the tools required for developing applications, describes how to package applications and
provides procedures for deploying applications onto the VC5090.
Software Installation on Development PC (Application Development)
To develop applications to run on the vehicle computer, use one or more of the following:
Symbol Mobility Developer Kit (SMDK) for C
Symbol Mobility Developer Kit (SMDK) for Java
Symbol Mobility Developer Kit (SMDK) for.NET
Windows CE Platform SDK for VC5090
Device Configuration Package (DCP) for VC5090.
The SMDK for C is a development tool used to create native C and C++ applications for all Symbol vehicle
computers. It includes documentation, header files (.H), and library files (.LIB) for native code application
development that targets Symbol value-add APIs.
The Windows CE Platform SDK for the VC5090 is used in conjunction with the SMDK for C to create Windows
CE applications for the VC5090 vehicle computer. The Platform SDK installs a new Windows CE device type
and its associated libraries onto the development PC. This new device is added to the Active WCE
Configuration field of Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0. Visual Studio 2005 can also be used to develop
applications for the VC5090.
The Device Configuration Package (DCP) is required to create and download hex images that represent flash
partitions to the vehicle computer. The DCP includes the flash partitions, Terminal Configuration Manager
(TCM) and the associated TCM scripts.
Device Configuration Package
To install the DCP for VC5090:
1. Download the DCP from the Symbol website, http://devzone.symbol.com:
a. On http://devzone.symbol.com, select Developer Downloads and sign in.
b. Select PocketPC/WinCE/CE.Net Platform.