1 - 6 VC5090 Vehicle Computer Product Reference Guide
PeripheralsTable 1-2 lists the peripherals available for the VC5090:
LS3408 Scanner USB
Cable to connect the following Symbol laser scanners or imagers to the VC5090
USB/Keyboard port. Part number 25-71918-01R.
LS3408 laser scanner
DS3408 imager
LS3478 Bluetooth laser scanner (with cradle)
DS3478 Bluetooth imager (with cradle).
RS232 Cable Cable to connect the VC5090 to a serial device. Part number 25-71924-01R.
AC Power Supply Power supply for use in wall or desktop mounted applications. Part number
50-14001-004 or 50-14001-004R.
DC Power Cable Power cable for use in wall or desktop mounted applications that connects the
AC power supply to the VC5090. Part number 25-71920-01 or 25-71920-01R.
Software Symbol Mobility Developer Kits, available at: http://devzone.symbol.com.
Device Configuration Package for VC5090c (DCP for VC5090c), available at:
Table 1-1
VC5090 Accessories (Continued)
Accessory Description
Table 1-2
VC5090 Peripherals
Accessory Description
Headset Provides headset communication for voice over IP (VoIP)
CB Mode Handset with Adapter
Provides handset communication for audio applications.
External Antenna Provides external antenna for remote mounting.
Zebra Road Warrior Printer Cable Provides connection between vehicle computer and printer.
Zebra QL-220/320/420 Printer Cable Provides connection between vehicle computer and printer.
O’Neill MF-2T/4T Printer Cable Provides connection between vehicle computer and printer.
Mobility USB Peripheral Ethernet
Provides wired Ethernet network connection for fixed mount