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D1458203 USER G UIDE Profile Seri es, Codec C Series, Q uick Set C20 / C20 Plus (TC3)— March 2010
Profile Series, Codec C Series
Quick Set C20 / C20 Plus
User GuideThe next generation HD team
collaboration solution.
The TANDBERG Profile, the
Quick Set C20 and Quick Set
C20 Plus, as well as solutions
based on the Codec C Series,
bring colleagues face-to-face at
the touch of a button through a
user-friendly interface.
Easily share presentations and
multimedia to spark ideas and
generate better discussions.
TC 3.0
Profile 42”
Quick Set C20 / C20 Plus
Codec C90
Codec C60
Codec C40
Codec C20
Profile 52”
Profile 52” Dual
Profile 65”
Profile 65” Dual