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D1458203 USER G UIDE Profile Seri es, Codec C Series, Q uick Set C20 / C20 Plus (TC3)— March 2010

Profile Series, Codec C Series

Quick Set C20 / C20 Plus

User Guide
The next generation HD team
collaboration solution.
The TANDBERG Profile, the
Quick Set C20 and Quick Set
C20 Plus, as well as solutions
based on the Codec C Series,
bring colleagues face-to-face at
the touch of a button through a
user-friendly interface.
Easily share presentations and
multimedia to spark ideas and
generate better discussions.

TC 3.0

Profile 42”
Quick Set C20 / C20 Plus
Codec C90
Codec C60
Codec C40
Codec C20
Profile 52”
Profile 52” Dual
Profile 65”
Profile 65” Dual