What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Advanced settings

Getting star ted

D1458203 USER G UIDE Profile Seri es, Codec C Series, Q uick Set C20 / C20 Plus (TC3)— March 2010
ARROW UP/DOWN: Use the and arrow keys to navigate in the menu and to move
the camera (pan, tilt) when the me nu on screen is not displayed.
OK/SELECT: Press the key to confirm your choice or selection.
ARROW LEFT: Press the
arrow key to go one
step back in the menu or
to move to the left in a
text field.
the arrow key to
expand the selected
menu item or to move
to the right in a text
MICROPHONE: Pres s the key
to go between the
microphone(s) on and
microphone(s) off.
the + or on the key
to adjust the volume. Press
to mute an incoming call.
PRESENTATION: Press the key
to show or hide a presentation.
ZOOM: Press
the + or on the
key to zoom the camera
in and out.
key corresponds to a soft
key on the screen and
represents shortcuts and
advanced functions.
The TRC5 remote control
The function keys in the upper p art of the remote control
reflects the softkeys on screen.
The middle part of the remote control is u sed to handle
video, sound, phone book, m enus and navigation.
The lower part of the remote control is simila r to the keypad
of a mobile phone.