What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Advanced settings
Getting star ted
D1458203 USER G UIDE Profile Seri es, Codec C Series, Q uick Set C20 / C20 Plus (TC3)— March 2010
Setting date and time manuallyYou may specify date and time zone settings along with date and time
format and the date and time of day itself.
Do as follows:
1. Start from the Home menu and navigate down to Settings and press
the key. Then navigate to Date and time and press the key.
2. Use arrow keys and the key to set everything as required.
Setting date and time automaticallyYou may have the date and time of day set automatically. However, you
must still specify time and date formats as well as the time zone.
Do as follows:
1. Start from the Home menu and navigate down to Settings and press
the key. Then navigate to Date and time and press the key.
2. Use arrow keys and the key to set everything as required.
The options shown here are
available only when manual
settings have been chosen.