3 − Playback

Playback 1 (either TAPE 1 or TAPE 2)

1.Switch on the POWER.2.Load a pre-recorded tape into the TAPE 1 or 2 deck.

Press the EJECT key (ø) to open the cassette compartment. Insert the cassette tape with its open edge facing down, the desired side facing you. Then, close the cassette compartment by pushing on its front part.

You have a choice of three settings: Ä: One way mode

Set the switch to this position to playback only one side.

Ë: Two way mode

Set the switch to this position to play back both sides of the tape in one session. When playback reaches the end of side “A”, the playback direction is automatically reversed, and playback continues on side “B”.

ä: Repeat mode

Set the switch to this position. Both sides of the tape in the Tape 1 deck is played back continuously until you stop the operation, and both sides of the tape in the Tape 2 deck is played back as many as 5 times.

4.Set the DOLBY NR switch.

Set the switch to the ON position when playing back tapes recorded with Dolby NR.

To play tapes recorded without Dolby NR, set the switch to the OFF position.

5.Press the PLAY key (˙ or ¥).

Side “A” facing you

This cassette deck can play back Normal (Type I), Chrome (Type II) and Metal (Type IV) tapes.

For the sake of simplicity, we refer to the tape side facing you as Side “A” and to the tape side facing away as Side “B”. When you insert a cassette with Sides “A” and “B” reversed, Side “A” should read Side “B” and Side “B” should read Side “A”.

3.Select a reverse mode setting using the REV MODE switch.
Pressing the ¥ key starts playback from side “A”.

Playback stops when reaching the end of side “A” if the reverse mode is set to Ä. If the reverse mode is set to Ë, playback continues on side “B”, stopping at the end of side “B”. If the reverse mode is set to ä, playback cycles through both tape sides 5 times.

Pressing the ˙ key starts playback from side “B”.

Playback stops when reaching the end of side “B” if the reverse mode is set to either Ä or Ë. If the reverse mode is set to ä, side “B” is played back, and then playback cycles through both tape sides 4 times.