Filter Type: This
None – The Filter mode is completely bypassed
Lowpass – This option filters out high frequencies above the Cutoff point
Highpass – This option filters out low frequencies below the Cutoff point
Bandpass – This option filters out frequencies above and below the Cutoff point
Bandreject – This option performs inverse filtering of mid frequencies
Turbo: Enabling the Turbo option adds additional poles of attenuation to the Lowpass filter algorithm. This creates a more intense analog filter effect. This option is only audible when the selected Filter type is set to “Lowpass”.
Note: When used with certain resonance settings, Turbo LPF can generate high amplitude resonant frequency oscillations. Proceed with caution when editing at loud volumes. This could be damaging to your ears or speakers.
Cutoff: This parameter behaves differently for each Filter type. For Lowpass, Cutoff sets the maximum filter cutoff frequency. For Highpass, Cutoff sets the minimum filter cutoff frequency. For Bandpass and Bandreject, Cutoff sets the Filter’s center frequency.