Model 161 Operating Procedures
Draining Product From theFreezing Cylinder
Step 1
Press the AUTO key to cancel operation. P ress the
MIX REF key to canc el hopper refrigeration. These
operations should be cancelled as far ahead of
cleaning time as possible. This will allow frozen
product to soften for easier cleaning.
Note: Non--Softechtmachines: Place the power
switch in the OFF position as far ahead of cleaning
time as possible. This will allow frozen product to
soften for easier cleaning.
Step 2
Lift the hopper cover. Remove the air tube and mix
level float. Take them to the sink for cleaning.
Step 3
With a sanitized pail beneath the door spout s, place
the power switch in the WASH position and open the
draw valves. When all the product stops flowing from
the door spouts, close the draw valves and plac e the
power switch in the OFF position. If localhealth codes
permit, empty the rerun into a sanitized stainlesssteel
rerun can. Cover the container and place it in the
walk-in cooler.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the second freezing
Step 1
Pourone gallon (3.8 lit ers) of cool, clean water int o the
mix hopper. With the brushes provided, scrubthe mix
hopper, and the mix inlet hole.
Note: Non--Softechtmachines: Scrub the mix
level float stem.
Step 2
With a pail beneath the door spouts, pr ess the WASH
key and open the draw valves.
Note: Non--Softechtmachines: Place the power
switch in the WASH position.
Step 3
Drain all the rinse water from the freezing cylinder.
When the rinse water stops flowing from the door
spout, close the draw valves and press the WASH key
to cancel.
Note: Non--Softechtmachines: Place the power
switch in the OFF position to cancel.
Repeat this procedure until the rinse water being
drawn from the freezing cylinder is clear.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the second freezing
Step 1
Prepare one gallon (3.8 liters) of an approved cleaning
solution (example: Kay-5r). USE WARM WATER
Step 2
Pour the one gallon (3.8 liters) of cleaningsolution into
the mix hopper and allow it to flow into the freezing
Step 3
While the solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder,
brush-clean the mix hopper, mix level float st em and
mix inlet hole.
Step 4
Press the WASH key. This will cause the cleaning
solution in the freezing cylinder to agitate.
Note: Non--Softechtmachines: Place the power
switch in the WASH position.
Step 5
Place an empty pail beneath the door spouts and raise
the draw valve. Draw off all the cleaning solution.
When the solution stops flowing from the door spouts,
close the draw valves. Press the WASH key to cancel.
Note: Non--Softechtmachines: Place the power
switch in the OFF position to cancel.
Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for the other side of the