ModelsC708 & C716 TroubleshootingGuide
6. The product is too soft. a. Draw rate is set too fast. a. Adjust draw rate of 5 to 7
1/2 oz. (142 g. to 213 g.)
of product by weight in 10
7. The product is too thick. a. Freezing cylinder not
primed correctly. a. Drain the freezing cylinder
and reprime the machine. 42
b. Air/mix pump incorrectly
assembled. b. Follow assembly
procedures carefully. 37
c. The viscosity control is set
too cold. c. Call an authorized service
technician. ---
d. Freeze-up in mix inlet
hole. d. Call an authorized service
technician. ---
e. Butterfat is in the pump. e. Disassemble,clean and
reinstall the pump. 37,40, 47
8. The mix in the hopper is
too warm. a. Hopper cover is not in
position. a. Clean and sanitize hopper
cover and place in
b. The agitator is not
installed. b. Clean and sanitize the
agitator and install. 43
c. The hopper temperature is
out of adjustment. c. Call an authorized service
technician. ---
9. The mix in the hopper is
too cold. a.The hopper temperature is
out of adjustment. a. Call an authorized service
technician. ---
10. Mix Low and Mix Out
probes are not
a. Milkstone build-up in the
hopper. a. Clean hoppers thoroughly. 48
11. Product is collecting on
top of the freezer door. a. The top o-ring on draw
valve is improperly
lubricated or worn.
a. Lubricate properly or
replace the o-ring. 36
12. Excessive mix leakage
from the bottom of door
a. Bottom o-ring on draw
valve is improperly
lubricated or worn.
a. Lubricate properly or
replace the o-ring. 36