22 Model 161Important: OperatorChecklist
j5. If your machine is air cooled, check the
condenser for an accumulation of dirt and lint.
A dirty condenser will reduce the efficiency and
capacity of the machine. Condensers should be
cleaned monthly with a soft brush. Never use
screwdrivers or other metal probes to clean
between the fins.
Note: For machines equipped with an air filter,
it will be necessary to vacuum clean the filters
on a monthly schedule.
CAUTION: Always disconnect elec -
trical power prior to cleaning the condens-
er.F ailure to follow this instruction may result in
j6. If your machine is equipped with an auxiliary
refrigeration system, check the auxiliary
condenser for accumulation of dirt and lint. A
dirty condenser will reduce the refriger ation
capacity of the mix hopper. Condensers must
be cleaned monthly with a soft brush. Never
use screwdrivers or other metal probes toclean
between the fins. Failure to comply may result
in electrocution.
j7. Ifyour machine is water cooled, chec k the water
lines for kinks or leaks. Kinks can occur when
the machine is moved back and forth for clean-
ing or maintenance purposes. Deteriorated or
cracked water lines should be replaced only by
an authorized Taylor mechanic.
Winter StorageIf the place of business is to be closed during t he winter
months, it is important to protect the freezer by
following certain precautions, particularly if the
building is subject to freezing conditions.
Disconnect the freezer from the mainpower source to
prevent possible electrical damage.
On water cooled freezers, disconnect the water
supply. Relieve pressure on the spring in the water
valve. Use air pressure on the outlet side to blow out
any water remaining in the condenser. This is
extremelyimportant. Failure to follow this procedure
may cause severe and costly damage to the
refrigeration system.
Yourlocal Taylordistr ibutor can perform this service for
Wrap detachable parts of the freezer such as the
beater assembly and freezer door, and place them in
a protected dry place. Rubber trim parts and gas kets
can be protected by wrapping them with
moisture--proof paper. All parts should be thoroughly
cleaned of dried mix or lubrication accumulations
which attract mice and other vermin.