SpeedTouch 210i
ISP Access Setup
ISP Name Enter your ISP name.
Dial Number Enter the ISDN access number provided by your ISP.
Username Enter the username provided by your ISP.
Password Enter the password provided by your ISP.
Require ISP Callback (CBCP) If your ISP supports the callback function,
check "Require ISP Callback (CBCP)" to enable the Callback Control
Protocol during PPP negotiations.
Scheduler (1-15) Enter up to 4 index numbers for calls that have been
previously configured on the Call Schedule Setup windows (under Advanced
PPP/MP Setup
Link Type There are four link types:
 Link Disable - Disable the ISDN dial-out function.
 Dialup 64Kbps - Use one ISDN B channel for Internet access.
 Dialup 128Kbps - Use both ISDN B channels for Internet access.
 Dialup BOD -BOD stands for bandwidth-on-demand. The router will
use only one B channel under low traffic situations. Once the single B
channel bandwidth is filled, the other B channel will be dialed automatically.
For more detailed BOD parameter settings, refer to the Advanced Setup
group Call Control and PPP/MP Setup.
 None not included.
PPP Authentication There are two types of authentication:
 PAP Only - Set the PPP session to use the PAP protocol to negotiate
the username and password with the ISP.
 PAP or CHAP - Set the PPP session to use the PAP or CHAP
protocols to negotiate the username and password with the ISP.