SpeedTouch 210i
Each LAN-to-LAN profile includes 4 subgroups: Common Settings, Dial-Out Settings,
Dial-In Settings, and TCP/IP Network Settings. The following will explain every subgroup
in detail.
Common Settings
♦ Profile Name – Specify a name for the remote network.
♦ Enable this profile – Check here to activate this profile.
♦ Call Direction – Specify the allowed call direction for this profile.
Both - allow access of both outgoing and incoming calls.
Dial-Out - allow access of outgoing calls only.
Dial-In - allow access of incoming calls only.
♦ Idle Timeout – Default setting is 300 seconds. When a connection of a profile
has been idled longer than the time limit, the router will drop the connection.
Dial-Out Settings
♦ Username – Specify a username for authentication by the remote router.