SpeedTouch 210i
Select according to the ISP service type subscribed to and enter parameters according to
the setup you entered for Remote Access Setup in Chapter 4.
Bandwidth On Demand (BOD) Setup
BOD stands for bandwidth-on-demand for Multiple Link PPP (ML-PPP or MP). Click
Call Control and PPP/MP Setup to see the following settings.
These parameters are activated when you set the Link Type to Dialup BOD. Usually the
ISDN will use one B channel to access the Internet or remote network when you use the
Dialup BOD link type. The router will use the parameters here to make a decision on
when to activate/drop the additional B channel. Note that cps (characters-per-second)
measures the total link utilization.
♦ High Water Mark and High Water Time – These parameters specify the
conditions under which the second channel will be activated. When the
utilization of the first connected channel goes over the High Water Mark and
past the High Water Time, the additional channel will be activated. The link
speed will then be 128kbps (two B channels).
♦ Low Water Mark and Low Water Time – These parameters specify the
conditions under which the second channel will be dropped. When the
utilization of two B channels is under the Low Water Mark and past the High
Water Time, the additional channel will be dropped. The link speed will be
64kbps (one B channel).
Note: If you are not familiar with the operation of ISDN and ML-PPP, be wary of
changing the default values.