Your player includes 4 special functions that may be selected from the Advanced Menu when music is playing. These are -

Repeat mode


Tempo rate



To open the Advanced Menu:

Check that music is playing (not paused).

Press thebutton.

The display will now show the Advanced Menu.

Press the > or < button to change between menu options.

Press the /, button to select a menu option.

Repeat/random mode:

There are 5 repeat/random mode options.

To change the repeat/random mode, select the Repeat option from the Advanced Menu.

Press the > or < button to scroll through the available options.

Normal (Repeat off)

Repeat 1 (Repeat the current track)

Repeat All (Repeat all tracks)

Random (play all tracks in a random order)

Intro (play the first 10 seconds of each track)

When you have highlighted the option you want, press the /,

button to select it.

The player will exit repeat setting and return to play the track. The display will show the repeat mode that has been set.