FM radio Advanced Menu:

There are 5 additional functions available from the FM radio Advanced menu -

Save (to save a favourite station as a preset)

Record (to record the current station)

Delete (to delete a station from the favourites)

Delete all (to delete all favourite stations)

Auto search (to scan the band and save stations found as presets)

Exit menu

To open the FM radio Advanced Menu:

Check that FM radio is playing.

Press thebutton.

The display will now show the Advanced Menu.

Press the > or < button to change between menu options.

Press the /, button to select a menu option.

Saving a favourite station (preset):

Tune to the station you want to save.

Open the FM radio Advanced Menu.

Select the ‘Save’ option from the Menu.

Press the > or < button to select Yes or No.

Press the /, button to confirm and save the station. The station will be saved in the next available preset number.

Tuning to a favourite station (preset):

If necessary, press the /, button to change to Preset tuning mode.

The preset number is displayed, for example [CH01].

Press the > or < button to browse the stored preset stations.