Settings menu:

There are a number of configurable settings within your player that can be set up through the Settings Menu.

To open the Settings menu:

Select the ‘Settings’ mode from the Main menu. Press the > or < button to scroll through the 6 options -



Power Off

Firmware version

Default settings


To select a setting, press the /, button.

To exit from the Settings Menu at any time:

Press the > or < button to scroll to the ‘Exit’ option.

Press the /, button.

The Main menu will be displayed.


The backlight setting enables you to change the time that the display backlight stays on after you have operated a button.

Press the > or < button to scroll to the ‘Backlight’ option in the ‘Settings’ menu.

Press the /, button to select this option.

You will see a time delay figure and a bargaph.

Press the > or < button to change the time delay to your preference in a range from 0 seconds to 30 seconds.

Press the /, button to save your preference.

You will return to the Settings menu.

NOTE: You may want to set a longer time for convenience of opera- tion, or a shorter time to extend battery life.


The language setting will change the display language for all menus.

Press the > or < button to scroll to the ‘Language’ option in the ‘Settings’ menu.

Press the /, button to select this option.

You will see the language options that are available.

Press the > or < button to change the display language setting.

Press the /, button to save your preference.

You will return to the Settings menu.