To delete the file that is playing, or all files in the folder playing:

Press the /, button to pause playback.

Press thebutton to open the Folder menu.

Scroll to the‘Delete file’or‘Delete All’option (Delete All will delete all files in the album/folder).

Press the /, button to confirm your choice.

You action must be confirmed before deletion.

Press the > or < button to scroll to ‘YES’ if you want to go ahead and delete the file/folder.

NOTE: Whilst it is possible to delete files through the player menus, this operation is easier when the player is docked to a computer, using Windows Media Player 11 or Windows Explorer to manage your music files.


When playing voice files you can also navigate your voice files and folders.

Voice files may also be deleted.

To manage your voice files, select ‘Voice’ mode from the main menu and follow the instructions in the previous sections ‘Music File Navi- gation’ and ‘Deleting Music Files’ to navigate or delete your files.