Deleting a preset station from your favourites:

Select the preset station you want to delete.

When the station is playing and the preset number is displayed, open the FM radio Advanced Menu.

Select the ‘Delete’ option from the Menu.

Press the > or < button to select Yes or No.

Press the /, button to confirm.

The preset station will be deleted and higher preset numbers will shuffle down so that there are no empty preset numbers.

Deleting all preset stations from your favourites:

Select FM mode.

Open the FM radio Advanced Menu.

Select the ‘Delete All’ option from the Menu.

Press the > or < button to select Yes or No.

Press the /, button to confirm and delete all preset stations. All preset stations will be deleted.

Auto Searching for stations:

You can scan the band for all local FM stations and store all stations as favourites.

NOTE: Auto Search will erase all previously saved favourite presets.

Select FM mode.

Open the FM radio Advanced Menu.

Select the ’Auto Search’ option from the menu.

The player will scan the band, stopping at each station found and save the stations as preset favourites.