Playing FM radio:

Your player includes an FM radio receiver.

To play the FM radio:

Ensure that headphones are connected to the player as the headphone wire is used as an FM radio aerial.

Select the ‘Radio’ mode from the Main menu.

After a short delay, the display will show the FM radio menu.


FM mode


Battery level


Channel (preset) number


Tuning bargraph


Tuning frequency



Tuning modes:

There are two tuning modes available - Frequency tuning (search or manual) where the player may be tuned across the band to search for stations and Preset tuning where you can select stations from presets you have stored.

Frequency tuning (search): To search the band for stations-

Press and hold the > or < button to scan up or down the band. Scanning will stop automatically when the next station is found.

Frequency tuning (manual):

To tune the band in 0.1MHz steps-

Press the > or < button to step up or down the band.

To change tuning mode:

Press the /, button whilst the radio is playing.

The player will change between Frequency tuning and Preset tuning modes. In Preset tuning mode, the preset number will be displayed (for example [CH01]).

NOTE: If you want to change back to your original tuning mode, you should wait a few seconds before pressing the /, button again.