Making a voice recording:

Your player includes a microphone and recording capability. You can use the recording function to make a recording, then play it back.

To record a voice:

Select the ‘RECORD’ mode from the main menu.

After a short delay, the display will show the Recording Status screen.


Recording number


Recording time available


Recording format


Recording sample rate


Recording elapsed time


Recording file name


Battery level


Number of recordings already stored

Press /, to start recording.

The recording elapsed time display will begin to count.

To pause a recording:

Press the /, button to toggle between record and pause modes. The record time display will flash when a recording is paused.

To save the recording:

Whilst a recording is in progress or paused, press and hold the /, button.

The recording will be saved with a file name in the format REC*** where

***is the number of the recording stored on the player (starting 001). Your player can record in four different formats. The format set for your recording is indicated on the display.

To change the recording format:

Before starting a recording, press thebutton. The Recording Settings menu will open.

Press the > or < button to scroll to the ‘REC type’ option.

Press the /, button to select this option.

Press the > or < button to scroll through the available formats.

Press the /, button to select the highlighted format.

The recording Settings menu will open.

Choose the Exit option to return to the Recording Status screen.