Performance Verification
4–40 1780R-Series Service Manual
l. Disconnect the VAC signal from the PROBE input connector.
31. Check Calibrator Output Voltage for Probe
Requirement: CAL OUT Voltage: 1.0 V ±0.5%.
a. Connect the BNC connector end of a 1X probe to the 1780R-Series
PROBE input connector.
b. Connect the probe tip through a BNC to Probe Adapter to the VAC
Output connector.
c. Set the VAC readout to 999.9 mV.
d. Check and/or set the 1780R-Series controls and menu as follows:
e. Use the 1780R-Series VERT POS control to position the center two
traces near the graticule baseline (0 IRE for NTSC; 0.3 V for PAL).
f. Set the WAVEFORM GAIN to X5. Check that VAR and ABS are
selected on the Waveform CRT.
g. Rotate the Precision Measurement control to overlay the center two
h. Check that the CAL readout on the Waveform CRT is between 970 mV
and 1030 mV. Note this CAL readout in mV.
i. Remove the BNC to Probe Adapter from the probe tip. Connect the 1X
probe tip to the 1780R-Series CAL OUT connector.
j. Adjust the Precision Measurement control to overlay the center two
k. Check that the CAL readout on the Waveform CRT is the same as noted
in part h. of this step within ±5 mV.
l. Readjust the Precision Measurement control so that the readout is 1000
mV. Select FIX on the Waveform CRT.
m. Set the 1780R-Series controls and menu as follows: RIGHT DISPLAY–
WFM and WAVEFORM GAIN–X5–Off. Leave the INPUT selection set
to PROBE and the CONFIGURE button set to On to prepare for
performing Step 32.
n. Disconnect the 1X probe from the PROBE and CAL OUT connectors.