1780R-Series Service Manual 2–21
12. Apply a 1.0 volt signal to the EXT HORIZ input. Touch <EXT HORIZ
CAL>. The large knob will now adjust sweep length (time) with respect to
the graticule. Do not change the MAG setting (automatically set to 100
mV/div). Adjust the large knob for a horizontal display of 10 divisions.
13. Press the CALIBRATE button to exit the menu.
/ GAIN 2 CAL for NTSC) will be circled when selected, to indicate large knob
The oscillator signal is selected by touching the <CAL OSC> area of the screen
until <ON> is outlined. It automatically reverts to <OFF> when the Calibration
menu is exited and must be reselected (if desired) when the menu is reentered.
Changes in calibration will be stored when the Calibrate menu is exited. Exit by
pushing the CALIBRATE menu button or by pushing another menu button.
NOTE. Preparation is usually not required before performing this procedure.
However, if something occurs to cause calibration data to be reset or invalid
(such as loss of Non-volatile memory or installation of new software), then Step
3 of the ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE (SECTION 6) must be performed prior to
the Initial Calibration Procedure.
1. Apply a 75% color bar signal to the 1780R-Series CH A INPUT connector.
For NTSC only: Use a signal with 7.5% setup. Check that CH A INPUT
loop-through is terminated into 75 W.
2. Select INPUT–CH A on the 1780R-Series front panel.
3. Push the front-panel CONFIGURE button to enter the Configure menu.
Touch the <PAGE> area of the screen until <2> is outlined. Check that
<BARS> <75%> is outlined.
4. Push the front-panel CALIBRATE button to enter the Calibration menu.
5. Push the button under the left CRT (LED will light) to select Vectorscope
6. <READOUT INTENSITY> will be circled on the Waveform CRT. Use the
large knob to adjust intensity. (The front-panel INTENSITY control adjusts
signal intensity only. Readout intensity must be adjusted through the
Calibration menu.)
Vectorscope Calibration
Vectorscope Calibration