1–8 1780R-Series Service ManualTable 1–3: Waveform Monitor Probe Input
Characteristic Performance Requirement Supplemental Information Performance
Check Step
Input Resistance 1 MW.
Input RC Product 20 ms (20 pF).
Gain Unity ±3%. With gain adjusted for equivalent
1 V peak-to-peak display. 30
Frequency Response
25 Hz to 10 MHz ±3%. Referenced to 50 kHz. 17, 18
Tilt Less than 5% on 50 Hz square
wave. Fast DC Restorer eliminates low
frequency tilt on a comp video
Probe Calibrator
Waveform 50% Duty Cycle square wave. 3
Period 4 horizontal lines.
Output Voltage 1.0 V ±0.5%. 0.995 to 1.005 V.
Impedance Out 950 W.
Table 1–4: Waveform Monitor Horizontal Deflection System
Characteristic Performance Requirement Supplemental Information Performance
Check Step
Sweep Rates & Timing Accuracy 1 MW.
1 Line (5 ms/Div.) ±2%. Center 10 divisions. 34
2 Line (10 ms/Div.) ±2%. Center 10 divisions.
3 Line (15 ms/Div.) ±2%. Center 10 divisions.
1-Field Sweep Displays 1 full field including field
rate sync.
2-Field Sweep Displays 2 full fields, and the field
rate sync between them. First
sweep is selectable between the
even or odd field.
3-Field Sweep Displays 3 full fields, and the
2-field rate sync intervals between
them (3/4 of the color frame). First
sweep is selectable between the
even or odd field, third field
polarity is the same as the first