Operating Information
1780R-Series Service Manual 2–33
transitions) display. Small front-panel light-emitting diodes indicate the
selected filter.
11. ONE / TWO / THREE. Momentary contact switch that toggles through two
sweep positions (1-line or 1-field and 2-line or 2-field; 3-line or 3-field is
activated by holding the button in). Small front-panel light-emitting diodes
indicate the selected number of lines or fields per sweep.
12. LINE / FIELD. Momentary contact switch that toggles between line and
field rate sweeps. Small front-panel light-emitting diodes indicate the
selected sweep range.
13. ON >. Momentary contact switch that turns on the magnifier, and once the
magnifier is on toggles upward through the magnifier ranges.
14. < OFF. Momentary contact switch that toggles downward through the
magnifier ranges. Turns off the magnifier when held in.
A small front-panel light-emitting diode is on whenever the magnifier is
turned on.
15. VAR / SLOW. Momentary contact switch that toggles between Variable
Sweep, Slow Sweep, and Off. Small front-panel light-emitting diodes
indicate if either Slow Sweep or Variable Sweep is turned on.
16. SWEEP RATE. Variable and Slow Sweep both use the associated knob to
provide the control for sweep rate (variable sweep) or sweep duration (slow
17. VAR / X5. Momentary contact switch that toggles through variable gain, X5
gain, and off for the waveform monitor Vertical Amplifier. Holding this
switch in enables both X5 and Variable Gain. The knob controls the amount
of variable gain.
Small front-panel light-emitting diodes indicate the selected gain.
18. VARIABLE CONTROL. 360_ potentiometer controlling variable gain.
19. VAR / MAX. Momentary contact switch that turns on the Variable Gain,
which is controlled by the knob. Holding in this switch disables the variable
and sets the vectorscope gain to maximum.
20. VARIABLE CONTROL. 360_ potentiometer controlling variable gain.
WFM HorizontalMagnifierGain: WaveformGain: Vector