Performance Verification
THS710A, THS720A, THS730A & THS720P Service Manual 4–15
3. Set the leveled sine wave generator frequency to 200 MHz if you are
checking a THS730A or to 100 MHz if you are checking a THS710A,
THS720A or THS720P.
4. Set the TekScope instrument VOLTS/DIV to 500 mV/div.
5. Press MAG.
6. Set the TekScope instrument SEC/DIV to 10 ns/div.
7. Set the leveled sine wave generator output level to approximately 50 mVp-p
so that the measured amplitude is approximately 500 mV. (The measured
amplitude can fluctuate around 500 mV.)
8. Press SET LEVEL TO 50%. Adjust TRIGGER LEVEL as necessary and
then check that triggering is stable.
9. Change the TekScope instrument setup using the following steps:
SCOPE TRIGGER Slope \ (falling edge)
10. Press SET LEVEL TO 50%. Adjust TRIGGER LEVEL as necessary and
then check that triggering is stable.
11. Change the TekScope instrument setup using the following steps:
SCOPE TRIGGER Slope / (rising edge)
12. Proceed to the next test to check the channel 2 edge trigger sensitivity.