Performance Verification
THS710A, THS720A, THS730A & THS720P Service Manual 4–21
4. Set the AC voltage source output frequency to 500 Hz.
5. For each range, set the AC voltage source output to the level listed below,
and then compare the meter reading to the accuracy limits.
Range AC Voltage Source
Output Level Accuracy Limits
400 mV 360 mV 352.3 mV to 367.7 mV
4 V 600 mV 0.583 V to 0.617 V
4 V 3.6 V 3.523 V to 3.677 V
40 V 36 V 35.23 V to 36.77 V
400 V 360 V 352.3 V to 367.7 V
640 V 576 V 559 V to 593 V
6. Set the AC voltage source output level to 0 V.