Performance Verification
THS710A, THS720A, THS730A & THS720P Service Manual 4–7
4. For each VOLTS/DIV setting listed below, perform the following steps:
a. Set the DC voltage source output level to the positive voltage listed and
then record the mean measurement as Vpos.
b. Reverse the polarity of the DC voltage source and then record the mean
measurement as Vneg.
c. Calculate Vdiff = Vpos – Vneg and then compare Vdiff to the accuracy
limits in the table.
VOLTS/DIV Setting DC Voltage Source Output
Levels Accuracy Limits for Vdiff
5 mV/div +17.5 mV, –17.5 mV 34.05 mV to 35.95 mV
500 mV/div +1.75 V, –1.75 V 3.405 V to 3.595 V
2 V/div +7.00 V, –7.00 V 13.62 V to 14.38 V
10 V/div +35.0 V, –35.0 V 68.1 V to 71.9 V
5. Set DC voltage source output level to 0 V.
6. To check channel 2, repeat step 2 substituting CH 2 for CH 1.
7. Press CH 1 and WAVEFORM OFF to remove the channel 1 waveform
from the display.
8. Repeat steps 3 through 5, substituting CH 2 for CH 1, to complete the check
of channel 2.