Appendix C: Examples
Cā€“2 VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
HEnable VXI TTL trigger 3.
WRITE output:ttltrg3:State on
HAssign a close dwell time of 0.25 seconds to each of the VX4380 Modules.
WRITE close:dwell m1,0.25; dwell m2,0.25; dwell
Note that this command is equivalent to the following three commands.
WRITE close:dwell m1,0.25
WRITE close:dwell m2,0.25
WRITE close:dwell m3,0.25
HOpen all relays on the first and second VX4380 Modules.
WRITE open:all matrix_1; all matrix_2
HClose the relays that join row 1 to columns 10 through 16 in section 3 of the
first VX4380, the relays that join row 3 to columns 1 and 2 in section 2 of
the second VX4380, and the relays that join rows 1 through 4 to column 6 in
section 2 of the third VX4380. After closing these relays, wait 0.25 seconds
then pulse VXI TTL trigger 3 low for 3 ī€sec.
WRITE close (@matrix_1(1!10!3:1!16!3),
matrix_2(3!1!2,3!2!2), matrix_3(1!6!2:4!6!2))
HQuery the close state of the relays in section 2 of the first VX4380.
WRITE close? (@matrix_1(1!1!2:4!16!2))
READ 000000000000000000000000
000 000001100000000000000000
000 0000000000
HThe close states are returned in the same order in which they are specified in
the close query. In this example the specified order is:
1!1!2,1!2!2,1!3!2, ..., 1!16!2
2!1!2,2!2!2,2!3!2, ..., 2!16!2
3!1!2,3!2!2,3!3!2, ..., 3!16!2
4!1!2,4!2!2,4!3!2, ..., 4!16!2
Note that this query is equivalent to the following close query:
close? (@matrix_1(65:128))