IEEE-488.2 Common Commands
3–58 VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
*TRGTrigger Command. This command is equivalent to a VXI Trigger command.
This command is valid only after the following commands have been received
by the Option 01:
Command Description
Define a scan list
Select a VXI Trigger command as a trigger source.
INITiate[:IMMediate] Initiate the scan list. This command places the trigger
subsystem in the “ARM” state. The trigger subsystem remains
in this state until the Option 01 has sequenced through the
entire scan list “n” times, where “n” has been previously
specified in a TRIGger[:SEQuence]:COUNT command. The
trigger subsystem then returns to the IDLE state. The trigger
subsystem also returns to the IDLE state if an ABORt
command is received by the Option 01.
After these commands have been issued, a *TRG command will cause the
Option 01 to take the following actions:
Generate a trigger delay that has previously been specified in a TRIGger
[:SEQuence]:DELay command.
Open the currently closed channel.
Generate the open delay that has previously been specified in a
[ROUTe:]OPEN:DWELl command.
Close the next channel in the scan list.
Generate the close delay that has previously been specified in a
Pulse one or more VXI TTL trigger signals that have been enabled by a
previously issued OUTPut:TTLTRG<n>[:STATe] ON command.
If the module containing the channel is a scanner module, pulse the
appropriate front panel encode signal.
If another *TRG command is received before this sequence is complete, a SCPI
–211,“Trigger ignored” error message will be placed in the Error/Event queue.
The *TRG command will continue to have this effect until the trigger subsystem
is placed in the IDLE state. If additional *TRG commands are recieved after the