Model 100EU Instruction Manual APPENDIX A - Version Specific Software Documentation
A-30 05928 Rev F.0B
102 10 O2 concentration during zero/span calibration, just before computing
new slope and offset
104 10 O
2 slope
106 10 O
2 offset %
108 10 O
2 sensor cell temperature C
200 11 CO 2 concentration %
202 11 CO2 concentration during zero/span calibration, just before
computing new slope and offset
204 11 CO 2 slope
206 11 CO 2 offset %
MODBUS Floating Point Holding Registers
(32-bit IEEE 754 format; read/write in high-word, low-word order; read/write)
0 Maps to SO2_SPAN1 variable; target conc. for range #1 Conc. units
2 Maps to SO2_SPAN2 variable; target conc. for range #2 Conc. units
100 10 Maps to O2_TARG_SPAN_CONC variable %
200 11 Maps to CO2_TARG_SPAN_CONC variable %
MODBUS Discrete Input Registers
(single-bit; read-only)
0 PMT detector warning
1 UV detector warning
2 Dark calibration warning
3 1 IZ S temperature warning
4 Box temperature warning
5 PMT temperature warning
6 Reaction cell temperature warning
7 Sampl e flow warning
8 Sampl e pressure warning
9 2 Vacuum pressure warning
10 HVPS warning
11 System reset warning
12 Rear board communication warning
13 Rela y board communication warning
14 Front panel communication warning
15 Anal og calibr ation warning
16 D ynamic zero warning
17 D ynamic span warning
18 Invali d concent ration
19 In zero calibration mode
20 2 In low span calibration mode
21 In span calibration mode
22 In multi-point calibration mode
23 In Hessen manual mode
24 System is OK (same meaning as SYSTEM_OK I/O signal)