Time-Value-of-Money and Amortization Worksheets 27
Answer: The interest rate is 5.5% per year.
Examples: Computing Basic Loan Payments
These examples show you how to compute basic loan payments on a
$75,000 mortgage at 5.5% for 30 years.
Note: After you complete the first example, you should not have to re-
enter the values for loan amount and interest rate. The calculator saves
the values you enter for later use.

Computing Monthly Payments

Answer: The monthly payments are $425.84.

Computing Quarterly Payments

Note: The calculator automatically sets the number of compounding
periods (C/Y) to equal the number of payment periods (P/Y).
Enter loan amount. 75000 .PV= 75,000.00õ
Enter payment amount. 425.84 S / PMT= -425.84
Compute interest rate. % - I/Y= 5.50
To Press Display
Set payments per year to 12. & [ 12 !P/Y= 12.00
Return to standard-calculator
& U 0.00
Enter number of payments
using payment multiplier.
30 & Z , N= 360.00
Enter interest rate. 5.5 -I/Y= 5.50
Enter loan amount. 75000 .PV= 75,000.00õ
Compute payment. % / PMT= -425.84
To Press Display
Set payments per year to 4. & [ 4 !P/Y= 4.00
Return to standard-calculator
& U 0.00
Enter number of payments
using payment multiplier.
30 & Z , N= 120.00
To Press Display