108 Index
bond price (more than one
coupon period to
redemption) 90
bond price (one coupon period
or less to redemption) 89
bond yield (more than one
coupon period to
redemption) 90
bond yield (one coupon period
or less to redemption) 89
bonds 89
breakeven 94
cash flow 87
days between dates 94
depreciation 91
depreciation, declining-balance
depreciation, straight-line 91
depreciation, sum-of-the-years’-
digits 92
interest-rate conversions 93
internal rate of return 88
modified duration 90
modified internal rate of return
88, 89
net future value 88
net present value 87
percent change 93
profit margin 94
regressions 93
statistics 92
time-value-of-money 85
French declining balance (DBF) 59,
61, 62
French straight line (SLF) 59, 61, 62
Frequency 44
cash flow 88
coupon 55, 57
one-variable data 68
Y value 65, 67
Frequency of nth cash flow (Fnn) 41
Frequency of X value (Ynn) 67
Future value (FV) 22, 23, 24
FV (future value) 22, 23, 24
Grouped cash flows 43
Hard reset 6
HYP (hyperbolic) indicator 3
Hyperbolic (HYP) indicator 3
I (discount rate) 41
I/Y (interest rate per year) 22, 24
Inflows 21, 23, 25
Initial cash flow (CFo) 41
INS (insert) indicator 3
Insert (IND) indicator 3
INT (interest paid) 22, 24
Interest Conversion worksheet 74
Interest paid (INT) 22, 24
Interest rate per year (I/Y) 22, 24
Internal rate of return (IRR) 41, 45
INV (inverse) indicator 3
Inverse (INV) indicator 3
IRR (internal rate of return) 41, 45
Last Answer (ANS) feature 14
Leases 21
LIF (life of the asset) 59, 61, 62
Life of the asset (LIF) 59, 61, 62
LIN (linear regression) 65, 67
Linear regression (LIN) 65, 67
Ln (logarithmic regression) 65, 67
Loans 21, 24
Logarithmic regression (Ln) 65, 67
M01 (starting month) 59, 61, 62
M0–M9 (memory) 12, 82
MAR (profit margin) 79
Math operations 8
Mean of X (v) 65, 67
Mean of Y (v) 65
arithmetic 12
clearing 12
examples 12
recalling from 12
storing to 12
Memory worksheet 8283