80 Other Worksheets
Answer: The original cost is $100.
Breakeven Worksheet
Note: To solve for quantity (Q), enter a value of zero for profit (PFT).

Breakeven Worksheet Variables

Note: This guidebook categorizes calculator variables by their method of

Resetting the Breakeven Worksheet Variables

To reset default values for all Breakeven worksheet variables, press
& z. All Breakeven worksheet variables default to zero.
To clear all calculator variables and formats and reset default values,
including the Breakeven worksheet variables, press & } !.
Compute cost. " " % CST= 100.00
The Breakeven worksheet computes the breakeven point
and sales level needed to earn a given profit by analyzing
relationships between fixed costs, variable costs per unit,
quantity, price, and profit.
You operate at a loss until you reach the breakeven
quantity (that is, total costs = total revenues).
To access the Breakeven worksheet, press & r.
To access breakeven variables, press " or #.
Enter known values for the four known variables, then
compute a value for the fifth, unknown variable.
Variable Key Display Variable Type
Fixed cost & r FC Enter/compute
Variable cost per unit #VC Enter/compute
Unit price #PEnter/compute
Profit #PFT Enter/compute
Quantity #QEnter/compute
To Press Display