Macintosh OS 9.2.1
1.From the Apple menu choose Control Panels and select TCP/IP.
2.From the File menu choose Configurations… Select the Default Configuration and click the Duplicate… button.
3.Name the duplicate configuration MDR24/96 and click OK. This allows you to have a network setting for normal use and one for the MDR specifically. This way you won’t have to remember your settings, you can just choose the correct one for the task at hand.
4.Click the Make Active button with the MDR24/96 configuration highlighted.
5.From the TCP/IP setup for the MDR24/96, make the following settings: for the Connect Via box, choose Ethernet (it may say Ethernet Built In) and for the Configure box, choose Manually. If you see an IP address and subnet listed, leave them as is and change the settings on the MDR24/96. If the fields are blank, we must assign an IP address and subnet to the Mac.
7.Set the IP address to be identical to that of the MDR24/96 except for the last field. For example, the default IP address on the MDR24/96 is the IP address on the computer to where the last 10 is an arbitrary number that is not 20.
8.Set the Subnet mask to match identically that of the MDR24/96. The default setting on the MDR24/96 is, so you should set the Subnet mask in the Mac to be the same.
9.Leave the Router address, Name server address, and Search domains blank.
10.From the File menu, choose Quit. It should prompt you to save; do so now.
12.Your Macintosh should now be configured properly to see the MDR24/96. Run the FTP server on the MDR24/96 and open the FTP Client on your computer to transfer files.
Guide Operation
Operation Guide | 65 |