



22.Useextracarewhenloadingorunloadingthe machineintoatrailerortruck.Thisunitshouldnot bedrivenupordownramp(s),becausetheunit couldtipover,causingseriouspersonalinjuryThe. unitmustbepushedmanuallyonramp(s)to loador unloadproperly.

23.Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcancausea burn.Donottouch.

24.Checkoverheadclearancescarefullybeforedriving underlowhangingtreebranches,wires,door openingsetc.,wheretheoperatormaybestruckor pulledfromtheunit,whichcouldresultinserious injury.

25.Disengageallattachmentclutches,depressthe brakepedalcompletelyandshiftintoneutralbefore attemptingto startengine.

26.Yourmachineisdesignedtocutnormalresidential grassofaheightnomorethan10".Donotattempt to mowthroughunusuallytall,drygrass(e.g., pasture)orpilesofdryleavesDrygrassorleaves. maycontacttheengineexhaustand/orbuildupon themowerdeckpresentingapotentialfirehazard.

27.Useonlyaccessoriesandattachmentsapproved forthismachinebythemachinemanufacturer. Read,understandandfollowallinstructions

providedwiththeapprovedaccessoryor attachment.


above,areinvolvedinalargepercentageofriding mower-relatedinjuriesTheseoperatorsshould. evaluatetheirabilitytooperatetheridingmower safelyenoughtoprotectthemselvesandothers fromseriousinjury.





Slopes are a major factor related to loss of control and tip-over accidents which can result in severe injury or death. All slopes require extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it.

For your safety, use the slope gauge included as part of this manual to measure slopes before operating this unit on a sloped or hilly area. If the slope is greater than 15 degrees as shown on the slope gauge, do not

operate this unit on that area or serious injury could result.


1.Mow up and down slopes, not across. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.

2.Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hidden objects. Uneven terrain could overturn the machine. Tall grass can hide obstacles.

3.Use slow speed. Choose a low enough speed setting so that you will not have to stop or shift while on the slope. Tires may lose traction on slopes even though the brakes are functioning properly. Always keep machine in gear when going down

slopes to take advantage of engine braking action.

4.Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for wheel weights or counterweights to improve stability.

5.Use extra care with grass catchers or other attachments. These can change the stability of the machine.

6.Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction. Rapid transmission engagement or braking could cause the front of the machine to lift and rapidly flip over backwards which could cause serious injury.

7.Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction, disengage the blade(s) and proceed slowly straight down the slope.


1.Do not turn on slopes unless necessary; then, turn slowly and gradually downhill, if possible.

2.Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or embankments. The mower could suddenly turn over if a wheel is over the edge of a cliff, ditch, or if an edge caves in.

3.Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.

4.Do not use a grass catcher on steep slopes.

5.Do not mow on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding.

6.Do not shift to neutral and coast downhill. Doing so may cause the operator to lose control of the machine resulting in serious injury or death.

7.Do not tow heavy pull behind attachments (e.g. loaded dump cart, lawn roller, etc.) on slopes greater than 5 degrees. When going down hill, the extra weight tends to push the tractor and may cause you to loose control. (e.g. tractor may speed up, braking and steering ability are reduced, attachment may jack-knife and cause tractor to overturn).

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Toro 13AX60RG744, 13AX60RH744 manual Dataindicatesthatoperators,age60yearsand