Toro® Debris Blowers
An Easy Way To A Cleaner Course
Toro has a commitment to helping you have a better- looking golf course, and some-
times it means providing you with equip- ment that goes beyond the mowing and growing of turfgrass.
Our versatile line of options and attachments includes several handy debris blowers which you can conve- niently use to remove grass clippings, leaves, twigs, pine needles and other debris off of your fairways, cart paths and other surfaces.
Toro offers different sizes of blowers to fit a variety of uses and applications. That’s especially true since Toro recently acquired the
Whichever of our debris blowers you select, though, it will give you a much more efficient way of keeping your course neater and cleaner. Instead of rely- ing on a lot of manual labor and back- pack blowers, a Toro debris blower can simply be towed behind a tractor, or for the more compact
Toro® Debris Blower 600 (Model No. 44536).
in the opposite direction. That’s impor- tant because it allows you to immediately make additional passes at an area without having to drive all the way back around, and still blow the debris to one side.
Other stan- dard features on Toro debris blowers include heavy- duty construc- tion on a 1/4'' (.64 cm) steel frame, plus skid plates and rear rollers to help protect your turfgrass.
Whatever your golf course’s partic- ular situation calls for, there’s
sure to be a Toro blower that’s just right for you.
Toro® Debris Blower 400
This compact unit goes anywhere a tow vehicle can. It generates an air dis- charge of 6000 cubic feet (170 cubic meters) per minute (cfm) and a wind- speed of 140 mph (225 kmh). Airflow direction is easily changed from the oper- ator’s seat. Solid, durable construction promises years of
Toro® Debris Blower 600
When you want to quickly clear large areas of debris, use this Toro blower to create a incredibly powerful wind force of over 9000 cfm (255 cmm) at a velocity of 153 mph (246 kmh). The rugged 600 Series includes a second rear roller to pro- vide even more protection for your turf.
BL-3000 Debris Blower
seat with the electric control kit. You know what it’s like to have
unwanted leaves, pine needles or other natural debris detracting from the beauty and playability of your course. So trust a
Toro’s new debris blower products allow quick and powerful
Also now available from Toro is Goossen Industries’ powerful line of
Toro® Debris Blower 400 (Model No. 44523)
up large areas in a short time, with just one operator.
Toro debris blowers offer you
This versatile