Learning the Basics
Powering down the computer
5.375 x 8.375 ver 3.1
Turn Off or Shut down commandThe Turn Off or Shut down commands power off the
computer. The Windows® XP Home operating system uses
the Turn Off command. The Windows® XP Professional
operating system uses the Turn Off command if you are not
connected to a Windows® domain server. The Windows® XP
Professional operating system uses the Shut down command
if you are a member of a domain.
Factors to consider when choosing Turn Off or Shut down:
❖No power is used while the computer is turned off. This
is the most efficient mode if you will be away from your
computer for an extended time.
❖Restarting from Turn Off or Shut down uses the most
time and battery power.
❖When starting up again, the system does not
automatically open the programs and files you were
previously using.
Restart commandRestart is the same as Turn Off or Shut down but
automatically powers up the computer. Use it when you need
to reload the operating system, for example to activate
changes to system settings.
Hibernation commandThe Hibernation command shuts the computer down
completely, but it first saves the current state of the computer
to the hard disk. Since Hibernation mode does not require
power to maintain the saved information, the system settings
are retained indefinitely. Restoring information from the hard
disk takes longer than restoring it from memory. When you
start up again, the computer runs a self-test, loads the
operating system, and then returns to the state in which you
left it.