L300/L300D series

Settings for audio on HDMI

To set the audio device to use the HDMI, follow the steps below.

1.Click Start.

2.Click Control Panel.3.Click Hardware and Sound.

4.Click Sound.

5.Click Playback tab.

6.Click HDMI Device.

7.Click the Set Default button.

To set the audio device to use internal speaker, follow the steps below.

1.Click Start.

2.Click Control Panel.

3.Click Hardware and Sound.

4.Click Sound.

5.Click Playback tab.

6.Click Speakers.

7.Click the Set Default button.

Security lock

A security lock enables you to anchor your computer to a desk or other heavy object to help prevent unauthorized removal of the computer.

Attach one end of a cable to the desk and the other end to the security lock slot on the right side of the computer.

Security lock


Figure 8-10 Security lock

User’s Manual
