186 If Something Goes Wrong
Problems that are easy to fix
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
2Click the Applications tab.
If a program has stopped responding, the words “not
responding” appear beside its name in the list.
3Select the program you want to close, then click End
Tas k.
Closing the failed program should allow you to continue
working. If it does not, continue with step 4.
4Close the remaining programs one by one by selecting
the program name, then End Task.
5Click Start, Turn off computer.
The Turn off computer window appears.
6Click Turn off .
The computer turns off.
Your program performs an illegal operation.
If you receive the message, “Your program has performed an illegal
operation,” you should record the details of the message and
consult the software manufacturer.
To record the details:
1Click the Details button and select the text the operating
system displays.
The Details button displays information that the software
manufacturer needs to help you solve your problem.
2Press Ctrl and c simultaneously to copy the text to the
3Open Notepad (click Start, point to All Programs, then
point to Accessories and click Notepad).
4Press Ctrl and v simultaneously to paste the details into
5Add a paragraph break and type some notes describing
what you were doing when you received the message.