TL-SG3424(config)# access-list policy name policy1
access-list policy action Description
The access-list policy action command is used to add ACLs and create
actions for the policy. To set the detailed configuration of actions for a policy,
please use access-list policy action command to access Action Configuration
Mode. To delete the corresponding actions, please use no access-list policy
action command.
access-list policy action policy-name acl-id
no access-list policy action policy-name acl-id
policy-name —— The Policy Name, ranging from 1 to 16 chara cters.
acl-id —— The ID of the ACL to which the above policy is applied.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Add ACL whose ID is 120 to policy1 and create an action for them:
TL-SG3424(config)# access-list policy action policy1 120
redirect interface Description
The redirect interface command is used to configure Direction function of
policy action for specified ports.
redirect interface gigabitEthernet port
port —— The destination port number of redirect.
Command Mode
Action Configuration Mode
Edit the actions for policy1. Forward the data packets matching ACL 120 in the