Chapter 7 GVRP Commands GVRP (GARP VLAN registration protocol) is an implementation of GARP (generic attribute
registration protocol). GVRP allows the switch to automatically add or remove the VLANs via the
dynamic VLAN registration information and propagate the local VLAN registration information to
other switches, without having to individually configure each VLAN.
gvrp(global) Description
The gvrp command is used to enable the GVRP function globally. To disable the
GVRP function, please use no gvrp command.
no gvrp
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable the GVRP function globally:
TL-SG3424(config)# gvrp
gvrp(interface) Description
The gvrp command is used to enable the GVRP function for the desired port. To
disable the GVRP function of this port, please use no gvrp command. The
GVRP feature can only be enabled for the trunk-type ports.
no gvrp
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface gigabitEthernet / interface range