no gvrp timer [ leaveall | join | leave ]
leaveall | join | leave —— They are the three timers: leave Alljoin and leave.
Once the LeaveAll Timer is set, the port with GVRP enabled can send a
LeaveAll message after the timer times out, so that other GARP ports can
re-register all the attribute information. After that, the LeaveAll timer will start to
begin a new cycle. To guarantee the transmission of the Join messages, a
GARP port sends each Join message two times. The Join Timer is used to
define the interval between the two sending operations of each Join message.
Once the Leave Timer is set, the GARP port receiving a Leave message will
start its Leave timer, and unregister the attribute information if it does not receive
a Join message again before the timer times out.
value ——The value of the timer. The LeaveAll Timer ranges from 1000 to
30000 centiseconds and the default value is 1000. The Join Timer ranges from
20 to 1000 centiseconds and the default value is 20. The Leave Timer ranges
from 60 to 3000 centiseconds and the default value is 60.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface gigabitEthernet / interface range
Set the GARP leaveall timer of port 6 to 2000 centiseconds and restore to the
join timer of it to the default value:
TL-SG3424(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/6
TL-SG3424(config-if)# gvrp timer leaveall 2000
TL-SG3424(config-if)# no gvrp timer join
show gvrp global
The show gvrp global command is used to display the global GVRP status.
show gvrp global
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC Mode and Any Configuration Mode