policy to port 2:
TL-SG3424(config)# access-list policy action policy1 120
TL-SG3424(config-action)# redirect interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/2
redirect vlan Description
The redirect vlan command is used to configure Direction function of policy
action for specified VLAN.
redirect vlan vlan-id
vlan-id —— The VLAN ID of Redirect. The data packets matching the corresponding
ACL will be forwarded in the specific VLAN. The VLAN ID ranges from 1 to
Command Mode
Action Configuration Mode
Edit the actions for policy1. Forward the data packets matching ACL 120 in the
policy to Fast Ethernet VLAN 1:
TL-SG3424(config)# access-list policy action policy1 120
TL-SG3424(config-action)# redirect vlan 1
s-condition Description
The s-condition command is used to configure Stream Condition function of
policy action.
s-condition rate rate osd { none | discard }
rate —— The rate of Stream Condition, ranging from 0 to 100000kbps.
osd —— Out of Band disposal of Stream Condition. It is the disposal way of the
data packets those are transmitted beyond the rate. There are two options,
none and discard. By default, the option is none.