TL-WR743ND 150Mbps Wireless AP/Client Router
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Figure 4-21 Wireless Settings
Repeater Mode - Choosing WDS Repeater is to enable WDS, while choosing Universal
Repeater is to disable WDS.
Wireless Name of Root AP - The SSID of the AP your Router is going to connect to as a
client. You can also use the survey function to select the SSID to join.
MAC Address of Root AP - The BSSID of the AP your Router is going to connect to as a
client. You can also use the survey function to select the BSSID to join.
Channel Width - The bandwidth of the wireless channel.
Survey - Click this button, you can search the AP which runs in the current channel.
Enable Wireless Radio - The wireless radio of the Router can be enabled or disabled to
allow wireless stations access. If enabled, the wireless stations will be able to access the
Router; otherwise, wireless stations will not be able to access the Router.
Be sure to click the Save button to save your settings on this page.
1. The operating distance or range of your wireless connection varies significantly based on the
physical placement of the Router. For best results, place your Router.
Near the center of the area in which your wireless stations will operate.
In an elevated location such as a high shelf.
Away from the potential sources of interference, such as PCs, microwaves, and cordless
With the Antenna in the upright position.
Away from large metal surfaces.