5C8 Starter Module Memory Error
Type 1 - Starter 2B
Info Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
5C5 Starter Module Memory Error
Type 1Starter 1A
Info Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
5C6 Starter Module Memory Error
Type 1-Starter 1B
Info Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
5C9 Starter Module Memory Error
Type 2 - Starter 1A
Immediate Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
5CA Starter Module Memory Error
Type 2 - Starter 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
5CB Starter Module Memory Error
Type 2 - Starter 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
5CC Starter Module Memory Error
Type 2 - Starter 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A Local
6B1 Starter Panel High
Temperature Limit - Panel 1,
Cprsr 1B
NonLatch Starter Panel High Limit Thermostat (170°F) trip was detected. Note:
Other diagnostics that may occur as an expected consequence of the
Panel High Temp Limit trip will be suppressed from annunciation.
These include Phase Loss, Power Loss, and Transition Complete Input
Open for Cprsr 1B
6B0 Starter Panel High
Temperature Limit - Panel 1,
Cprsr 2A
NonLatch Same as Starter Panel High Temperature Limit - Panel 1, Cprsr 1B Local
6B2 Starter Panel High
Temperature Limit - Panel 2,
Cprsr 2B
NonLatch Same as Starter Panel High Temperature Limit - Panel 1, Cprsr 1B Local
5BA Suction Refrigerant Pressure
Transducer - Circuit 1,
Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Circuit target if no isolation valves, Compressor
target if isolation valves. Design Note: In the case of manifolded
compressors w/o isolation valves, the occurrence of this diagnostic will
also generate a comm loss with the nonexistent Suction Press Cprsr
1B in order to accomplish circuit shutdown.
5BB Suction Refrigerant Pressure
Transducer - Circuit 1,
Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Suction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer - Circuit 1,
Compressor 1A
5BC Suction Refrigerant Pressure
Transducer - Circuit 2,
Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Suction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer - Circuit 1,
Compressor 1A
5BD Suction Refrigerant Pressure
Transducer - Circuit 2,
Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Suction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer - Circuit 1,
Compressor 1A
5B0 Transition Complete Input
Opened - Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch The Transition Complete input was found to be opened with the
compressor motor running after a successful completion of transition.
This is active only for Y-Delta, Auto-Transformer, Primary Reactor, and X-
Line Starters. To prevent this diagnostic from occurring as the result of
a power loss to the contactors, the minimum time to trip must be
greater than the trip time for the power loss diagnostic.
5B1 Transition Complete Input
Opened - Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 1A Local
5B2 Transition Complete Input
Opened - Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 1A Local
5B3 Transition Complete Input
Opened - Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 1A Local
5AC Transition Complete Input
Shorted - Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch The Transition Complete input was found to be shorted before the
compressor was started. This is active for all electromechanical
5AD Transition Complete Input
Shorted - Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 2B Local
5AE Transition Complete Input
Shorted - Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 2B Local
5AF Transition Complete Input
Shorted - Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 2B Local
Diagnostic Name
and Source
Severity Persis-
Criteria Reset